After Hurricane Katrina I was asked to help with some instrument restorations for some NOLA musicians. Some of you may have seen the writeup I did on the Gibson F200 electric mandolin pickup or the Fender Jazz Bass pickups I rebuilt for Amy Hopkins a few years ago. Well, Amy is back in New Orleans and this time she's rebuilding the house of Charmaine Neville. If the name looks familiar it should. Charmaine is a member of the world famous Neville family of New Orleans.
In addition to my duties here at SSW I also work on the staff of the Musical Instrument Makers Forum or the MIMF as most people call it. The MIMF is in the process of taking donations to fund some of the restoration that Amy is working on.
I know that some folks are tired of hearing about NOLA and there is a lot of political finger pointing and government waste associated with the disaster but Charmaine is a real person who works for a living and the work that she does is part of what makes New Orleans important to us music fans. All she wants to do is get her home back and be able to work in the city she has always loved.
If you can please stop by the MIMF and make a donation the help rebuild Charmaine Nevilles home.