Got some information back about those crazy blood spattered P-90s I made for EllieGuitars a little while back. Seems they made their way into this kick ass LP type guitar. These pickups are the closest thing I have made to a straight up P-90 copy. They were unpotted because Ellie wanted them to be a little microphonic and I know she is more than able to pot her own pickups if they turned out to be too microphonic. So I wound them good and tight and sent them on. She digs them a lot! I may have to rethink some of my old ideas on potted and unpotted pickups.
I have had a few folks asking when I would be taking orders again and the news is good. I will start taking new orders again at the end of this month. I know that's later then planned but then again things didn't really go as planned. I have about a million Scarabs setting up on the bench this week and I'm working to get them all sent out late this week or early next week. So if you have been waiting for Scarab Pickups you don't have much longer to wait!
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