John Kingma runs Apollo Guitars up in Canada where he builds everything from the mild to the wild. Recently he built this guitar using some Searcy Pickups. John said...
"The pickups were made by Clint Searcy... I find the neck pickup has a bit of vintage PAF sound. The bridge pickup is quite a bit hotter and really wails. I love the variety of tones...."
I'm proud to add John Kingma and Apollo guitars to what is becoming a very long list of Canadain clients now. You will see some more soon.
Correction! This cat in this video is not Pete Poynter as I reported earlier but his mega riffin' son Justin Poynter.
Justin Poynter gets mellow with his Benavente Guitar(Jazz-90 Pickups)
1 comment:
Those darn Canadians ... No sir, I don't trust them one bit.
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